Latest Lawn Designs in Bold Summer Season | Colorful Lawn

The one thing any girl can count on looking forwardto as soon as the climes lose their cool and melt into summer, is the arrival of so many new lawn prints to choose from. The loveliest thing about lawn is not just the myriad of prints that mushroom come Spring, but that it feels so good against the skin, without having the stick-factor of the equally luscious silks and chiffons.
Instep Magazine, Model Rabia
Pakistani dress designer Yasir Waheed always tries to introduce some modern touch in his collection that's why he choose beautiful model Rabia for his gorgeous new lawn styles.

Lawn helps the body keep cool and airy on the inside, whilst reflecting the same on the outside. And Yahsir Waheed’s lawn is an absolute classic when it comes to this particular genre of fabric. Creating new lawn prints every single summer is an art and Yahsir has mastered this art over the years.

This summer, Yahsir’s collection is all about playing with geometric motifs and sultry colors that will stand out amongst a sea of pastels. Yahsir takes on the usual summery hues in citrus shades and spins them into absolute power colours. Add to that the cuts which are structured and organic by turns he has played with here, and you have a stylish punch packed with all things

Yasir's lawn designs are following the western culture. like this dress in shoulder-less neck design with beautiful churi style can wear in west countries. This lawn dress in frock style have beautiful border. These types of dresses are mostly wear for holiday trip.

This dress in maroon color is looking stylish with white printed floral styles. This lawn dress in  sleeve-less style has also trendy style.


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